我们接着上一节讲西南夷的名词辨伪。和上节所辨诸国不同,盘越国地域记载与其余诸国存在明显偏差,“在天竺东南数千里”,白纸黑字指向的就是现在的泰米尔纳德邦,也就是当时的潘地亚。关于这一点英国学者john e. hill在翻译《魏略》的时候也持相同看法。
8.1. the kingdom of panyue 盤越[p’an-yüeh]= pandya – is also called hanyue wang 漢越王.
“pandian kingdom.– this was pāndya, the southernmost, and traditionally the earliest, of the three tamil states. roughly it coincided with the modern districts of tinnevelly and madurā; at the time of the periplus it extended beyond [sic] the ghāts and included travancore. the capital, originally at korkai had been removed to madurā( 9o 55’ n., 78o 7’ e.).