佳慧:网络也是如此,一刻不能大意。所以有几点,务必要记牢。绝不给坏蛋,以可乘之机。你可以阅读我们的安全提示或与你的朋友共享,也许他不像你了解了很多网络安全常识。“you can read through our safety tips or share them with a friend who may not know as much about online safety as you do.”
丽娜:我来说第一条。一定要花更多的时间与现实生活中的朋友相处而非网络虚拟的朋友 “do spend more time with real-life friends than virtual friends.”
涛勇:我不想每天与电脑聊天。“i don’t want to talk with a computer every day.”
星业:第二,如果网络上与你联系的人与你之间的会话,让你感觉不舒服,或者感到有危险时,那就一定要记得告诉身边的成年人。“do tell an adult if someone online starts a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable or in danger.”
佳慧:那就好。第三,如果有人跟你要个人信息,例如:名字、年龄、电话号码、地址、信用卡号、家人姓名 ,一定要断绝与他交往。“do cut off contact with anyone who asks for your personal information (name,age,phone number,address,credit card numbers,names of family members).”
涛勇:这一句我看得懂。不要通过网络与陌生人交换相片。“do not exchange pictures with strangers through the internet.”
丽娜:第五,不要打开或下载不熟悉的邮件、即时消息或附件。“do not open emails/instant messages or download attachments from people you don't know.”