浩翔:不对吧。你看这几句,说的多好呀:只要技术发展了,我们生活更方便。家家拥有机器人,替我们打理一切。我们将有更多的时间,用来工作和学习。(as long as technology develops, our lives will be more convenient. every family will have a robot. they will do all the housework for us. we'll have more time to work and study.)
星业:凡事适可而止,有限度地进行。如果什么都让机器人替代了,我们也许会变得更懒。(we may become lazy if we have robots to do everything for us. )有句格言说得好:终日无所事事比有事可做更伤脑筋。我不想每天与电脑聊天。(i don't want to talk with a computer every day!)
佳慧:有人担心电脑也许将会统治我们的生活。(maybe computers will rule our lives! )你们觉得有可能吗?