兴之所至,王超觉得脚底作痒,忍不住快步小跑起来,并且哼然唱道:“I'm goin' to hell, who's comin' with me?”
慢跑时身上的背包和腰带库库地响,他垫脚原地转了一圈,转的过程中,面向背后来处时,眼底忽然金光一闪,掠过一丝疑惑,他面色变化,转回慢跑前进的方向,他陡然弯腰,压低嗓音,挤出像小女孩似的尖细声线:“ Somebody~~PLEASE help him~~i think my dad gone crazy~~”
哈哈一笑,王超他提速快跑起来,并且张开双臂,边跑边唱:“There's no mountain i can't climb~~There's no tower too high~~No plane that i can't learn how to fly~~What do i gotta do to get through to you, to show you~~There ain't nothing i can't take this chainsaw to~~”